Martin Rutter, National Sales Director, joined Anglian in 1991 after being made redundant as a trainee Chartered Accountant, moving from self-employed salesman to his current position. Here he talks about himself and his role – and why he’s glad his career changed direction so early on.

What is the highlight of your career so far?
I’m sure it’s yet to come but I already have many treasured moments, including leading my teams to their number one positions and growing Anglian’s market share!
What makes working for Anglian special?
Being master of my own destiny. I’m also very proud to be part of Anglian – I’ve no hesitation in recommending our products to my family and friends (I have them myself of course) and even recruited my twin brother to the company!
What motivates you?
Enabling people to enjoy success.
What do you like most about your role?
The people.
What’s your biggest challenge?
The relentless quest for happy customers. In direct sales, we start with nothing each week and let the rest of the organisation down if we don’t deliver. But we always achieve!
How do you manage your work-life balance?
By being strategic in my personal and professional lives. Time is democratically distributed but no one has enough of it – so being organised is essential. It’s vital to know your objectives to get things done and never have to say “I don’t have the time”!
How much travelling do you do?
Let’s just say that I know the inside of my car pretty well! I live on the South Coast but travel nationally, including frequent visits to Norwich. Careful planning and Bluetooth help me make the best use of driving time.
What qualities do you look for in your team?
Self-drive, entrepreneurship, discipline.
What memorable customers have you met?
Many. I remember one in particular who bought a window each year for nine years, when he could afford them. I got to know him and his family very well.
What changes have you experienced during your time with Anglian?
Technology has brought the greatest benefits and challenges. Data helps us sell, but the time it takes to analyse it adds pressure; mobile communication helps us work faster, and social media makes managing our reputation more important than ever.
How do you relax?
With my family and friends and at the gym.
What words of wisdom do you live by?
“If it’s to be, it’s up to me”.
Who inspires you?
Not one iconic figure but people in general. We can be inspired by anyone if we give them the time to contribute.
Do you have any pet hates?
People with a “can’t do” attitude and prejudice – no one has the right to judge others.
Favourite place?
New York and London as cities, Florida for the family and Antigua for beaches.
What will be ‘big’ for Anglian in 2015?
Continuing sales of orangeries and growth in triple glazing.